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No need to bother looking for warehouse rental services in the Cileungsi area. You can take advantage of warehouse rental services from sewagudang.net, an independent warehouse rental site that is part of PT Mega Manunggal Property (MMP).

The location for renting a warehouse in Cileungsi, Depok is located on Jl Raya Narogong, Kilometer 17, Pasir Angin, Cileungsi. The land area in this area reaches 50 thousand square meters, with an available warehouse area of ​​29,200 square meters.

If you want to rent a warehouse in Cileungsi, you can determine the area to rent because this warehouse is a multi-user warehouse, with a flexible design.

Tenants can choose how large and how long the lease period they need. This multi-user warehouse is ready to answer the needs of dynamic tenant logistics space.

Other advantages apart from being spacious and flexible, this warehouse is also ready to use. Many easy access to the transportation network. This warehouse is also near the center of products and consumption. Rental warehouse owned by sewagudang.net also provides benefits to tenants in reducing logistics costs.

Rent a Cileungsi Warehouse for Various Needs

Sewagudang.net provides various types of warehouses, including:

  • Build to suit : we designed this warehouse specifically to answer the needs of one tenant. By choosing this type of warehouse, prospective tenants can choose the location, area, and design of the warehouse according to demand. This type of warehouse has a longer lease period than multi-tenant warehouses.
  • Multi User Facility : we rent this warehouse to more than one tenant in one warehouse. The nature of the warehouse is modular with an area that can be adjusted according to the needs of each tenant.
  • Warehouse support assets : supporting facilities for storage, starting from renting racking, to digitally integrated security systems that can monitor the entry and exit of vehicles.

This warehouse rental in Cileungsi is a multi-user facility , the area of ​​which can be adjusted and the location is very strategic. Industries that can take advantage of this warehouse rental service are FMCG, e-commerce, chemical, or all industries that have goods with packaging needs of 3×3 meters.

Other advantages of renting a Cileungsi warehouse include:

  1. International standard & all warehouses sewagudang.net ISO 14001 certified.
  2. There is an in-house design team, a team that designs and builds build-to-suit warehouses according to tenant needs.
  3. There is building management, a team from sewagudang.net in each warehouse to help maintain and maintain warehouse facilities. One of the services, including the repair of damage that occurred in the warehouse. With services like this, tenants can manage logistics at the sewagudang.net warehouse more effectively, smoothly, and don’t have to bother with warehouse maintenance.
  4. Another advantage that tenants should consider is being able to contact directly via the 24-hour online CS system. Through this online CS system, tenants can monitor incoming complaints online through the website.

In addition, the sewagudang.net service is a warehouse management system with digital technology, a truck tracking loading system. With this technology, all goods-carrying truck traffic that enters or exits the warehouse is recorded through an online system.

There are so many advantages of renting a warehouse at sewagudeng.net owned by sewagudang.net? What are you waiting for, rent this warehouse before it’s too late.

