• 021 5098 6029
  • marketing@mmproperty.com

High-density warehouse with strategic location for lease

We provide various types and choices of warehouses
to help make your business storage space effective

Build to suit warehouse

Exclusively rented to one tenant and built to the tenant’s specifications.​

Multi tenant warehouse

Designed to be rented to several tenants from various industrial sectors.


Rent an office that is integrated with a warehouse area with a strategic location.​

Factory Standard Building

Providing ready-to-build land for production and assembly according to tenant requests.

Mega Scale + Mega Effectiveness

Our expertise lies in developing, owning, and operating high-end logistics and office properties, designed to meet international MNC and 3PL standards. With customized build-to-suit solutions, mega-scale warehouses, and strategic locations, we are committed to meeting the unique needs of any industry.

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541000 m²






50 +



Strategic Location

Our warehouse location is in an area that is easily accessible by large trucks

Security Facility

Our security is on guard 24/7 and assisted by 24-hour CCTV. Our facilities also follow the one gate system concept

Routine Maintenance

Schedule routine warehouse maintenance processes with a warehouse management system

Warehouse Adjustment

We provide the flexibility to modify the warehouse as needed

Customer Service

Our dedicated customer service team is ready to serve you at any time

Standard Warehouse

Our warehouse has been certified as environmentally friendly or environmental standardization 14001:2015

Warehouse - MULTI TENANT

Integrated and flexible modern logistics complex for several tenants in one warehouse. The Multi Tenant warehouse type is the right solution for your dynamic logistics space needs. Tenants can choose their own rental area and warehouse rental duration according to their needs


Not only providing existing types of warehouses, we also build Built-To-Suit warehouses. This type of warehouse gives you the freedom to design a warehouse according to your preferences and business needs, from the desired location to the building design that suits your needs


We also provide a modern office area at Intirub Business Park (IBP). A 3-storey office building designed to answer the needs of modern business space for business people


Check out the latest information, insightful tips, and practical guides on warehouse rental

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